Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Flip-Side of Frustration

I really dread telling you that I've been wrapped up in monotony. I have stood at the washer several times in the past month thinking, "There has to be more purpose in my life than to wash clothes... fold clothes... dust... mop... mess up the kitchen cooking a meal then clean it up again." This kept going through my mind. Over an over again. I truly started to fall into a little bit of a funk. I was drowning in laundry. And, when you are drowning in anything, everything else that falls on top of you can easily weigh you down.
Several of my Facebook friends had the November status updates of "What I'm thankful for today..." I did not. Mine may have read a little like this: November 8th - Today I'm thankful that my 2-year-old only threw-up twice today and we made it to the sink both times. November 9th - Our new puppy only peed on the hardwoods today and spared the carpet. November 10th - My 6-year-old only had three breakdowns about things that shouldn't concern her... In other words, I wouldn't have shared a whole lot that I was "truly" thankful for. This nagging feeling of negativity was eating away at me. I did a lot of eye-rolling and groaning about a lot of things. Did you know that we aren't created to behave like this? 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Hmmm... I was definitely NOT doing this... but I could. I could prepare a meal like I was preparing it for our Saviour. I could pre-treat stains like I was preparing a garment worthy to be worn by Jesus. I could change the way I approached my daily activities and see what there is to be thankful for in them.
November 8th - I'm thankful that I have not only a 2-year-old, but a 4 and a 6-year-old, too.
November 9th - I'm thankful that we took on the responsibility of a puppy so our children could experience the unconditional love of man's best friend.
November 10th - I'm thankful that I have a passionate 6-year-old that reminds me that someone is always watching me. Therefore, I need to be accountable and lead by example.
Just wanted to share that with you. I have to run for now. I have some laundry to tend to.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Liked your post. I have felt the same way before too! You're not alone. I remember reading something a little while ago from Donald Miller. He was interviewed about his new book but was asked a question about stay at home moms and their purpose, etc. He was encouraging...can't remember exactly what he said but something like we need to continue doing all the hard and great things we're doing for our kids, and when they're older we will really see the benefits of those things. We may have to be a little more patient. Something along those lines...sorry. I should find it for you. Ha ha. Love ya!